There lead into temptation. Self-control

E’ difficult in a world that does that tickle our “appetites”, a world that looks like a gigantesto “buffet”. It is also the technology. She lowered the prices of many goods and whets our cravings, tempestandoci lures at your fingertips. The motto of a popular website is “Life is short. Facts the lover“.

Just one click and all the cravings you may meet, especially thanks to the magical small rectangle plastic invented by banks to facilitate any sort of purchase, with very little sense of the future.

The biggest change however is within us. It consists of a greater propensity to focus on all the individual happiness. Those who are not satisfied by his tie and wants to disband, You can do it because there is more social pressure can prevent him. Even the younger ones are taken from the vortex of General binge. Stunned by the whirlwind of offers, they are often incapable of concentration, fickle and fleeting sense of limit.

Which way out?
The first step you have to do is figure out how strong the influence of environment and learn to govern. Especially parents of preteens should take into account the context and, When it is possible to, keep it under control, as long as the children are able to do it themselves.
On the other hand also an adult must learn to “escape opportunities”. The preventive system is not permissive, but creates a framework of support that allows the person to “solidify”.

Educate to self-control.
Self-control is by its nature an enigma. Depends on many factors, Addiction, dependencies, compulsions. Once defined vicious habits have found an alibi. Are considered diseases: from gambling, shopping, cocaine, the abuse of alcohol, the videogame, to the Internet, sex. It means that the will of the individual doesn't count anymore.
What makes us human is the ability to disobey our impulses.
This comes at a price that less and less people have the intention to pay: the effort. The struggle for the conquest of self-control is exciting because it's a fight. The willpower is a muscle: You can enhance with daily exercise. It is therefore teach children the “good habits”, those of the type “count to 20 before you get angry, do not you eat meals, at twenty-one you go to sleep, etc.”.
Today, many children are diagnosed with attention deficit, but in many cases, Although not all, the reason of their ailments is simply that they never learned to exercise their self-control.
E’ necessary to act in advance. And build an architecture of choice. This depends on the vision: self-control is to be able to look beyond today, to postpone, If necessary, the instant gratification in order to pursue the realization of the most important objectives. Who doesn't have a destination to reach you easily capture from the temptations.
Check the environment means for example to organize its work in such a way as to facilitate the execution. One study showed that just a classroom window overlooking a peaceful garden to increase the 20 percent discipline among students. What is the guy who can study if there is a TV on a few metres away?

The magic mirror.
But the most important thing is that self-control is learned in the company. If anyone looks at us we tend to behave differently. Experiments have shown that simply putting a mirror in an environment because people behave better. For example, installing a mirror in the supermarket candy industry has decreased among children by more than 70% the stolen sweets.
For children the parents are a mirror necessary: the mirror of the soul. Are the magic mirror on the wall that says if that behavior, that Word, that lie used to build a nice person or are just destructive. Their approval or disapproval counts a lot. Little parents have children present with poor self-discipline.
As adults we break the mirror: We dread more than there is someone to see what we do, We dread the judgment of others.
The erosion of Community dimension is the worst consequence of modern living.

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